
Sunday, June 23, 2013

The End Of This Life

What doesn't kill you,
Only makes you wish it did!
This life is my burden
And it feels like shit.

I didn't ask for this life.
I want to give it all away.
Leaving this world,
Hoping my sorrows will stay.

Our days are numbered
And time will pass us by.
Death won't let us live,
For nobody's scarred cry.

And I will quit earlier.
I see no reason to live.
To me this life is hell.
And I have nothing left to give.

I don't want eternal existence.
I'm not reaching for helping hands.
I want this film to come to an end.
For I don't know where love went.

I feel the fire that burns in me,
Burning my guts out.
The ache is killing me slowly.
I scream out so loud!

Now again I sit here watching my cuts.
To end this all I don't have the guts.
So I will forever live in pain.
Forever I will live in vain.