
Monday, July 15, 2013

Leaving This World

How can I forget,
About those things between us?
I want my regret
To be hit by a bus!

Why did our time fly away?
Why wouldn't it stay?
I would have fighted for you,
But you looked for something new.

Now with tears in my eyes,
The blade at my wrist,
I try to put some words into this,
On the paper my tears kissed.

My veins are spitting blood,
I'm crying in my bed.
On the inside I am screaming.
For the lies I was fed.

I have lost the grip to life.
And I don't want to go on.
I am a mistake to this world.
No one would miss me if I was gone.

When will you see,
You ruined me?
And when will you come back,
For you're an emotional wreck?
Just like me.
And we'll forever be.

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