
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Philosophy about love

Trust. It's easy, don't lie to those who trust you and don't trust those who lie to you, isn't it? No it's surely not. It's much harder. Trust is like respect, earned, not simply given. But how do you earn someone's trust? Well, I'm a person with big trust issues due to lots of backstabbing lies and betrayals, but did I lose my trust? No I didn't, it's just being protected better now. Because trust is also like paper, if you take it and crumble it up, it will never be perfect again. But it's not burnt yet. So if you're in a new relationship, no matter if friends or lovers, you need to gain trust. But gaining trust with words is hard, almost impossible. You need to take actions to gain trust. You need to prove yourself, prove you're a person worth trusting. But you also shouldn't overdo it, because it might seem like you're faking something, but also don't neglect it. So you need to do it regularly. Trust is also the basement for a relationship, it's as important as the love itself. Without trust there is no relationship. So even if you're, like me, plagued with issues, don't lock yourself away! You need to take risks. You need to lay your heart in the hands of your lover, but once again be careful with that, because once you lay you heart in someone else's hands he or she can break you so easily, you're fragile and unprotected then. Although it can be so negative it's one of the most important feelings, never ever lose it. And always trust yourself!

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