
Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Most Emotional Story You'll Ever Read

So today I was at my girlfriend's house having a really nice day. Later that day she laughed at me and tried to put me one of her nacklaces on. It has an iron chain and a small black tag saying 'love'. She made fun of it so I didn't take it really serious. She always pronounced how important that necklace was for her, but never told me why... So she tried really hard to get me that necklace on and I gave in to it later. She put me on and I asked if I really should take it with me, because it's so important to her. She agreed and said I really should take it with me. I kept the necklace on even though I don't really like necklace, I prefer braceletts, haha. But as I got it from my girlfriend to our anniversary it instantly had a meaning to me. As I arrived at home I asked why that necklace is so important to her. I asked her via Whatsapp. I waited for a reply, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and I was almost becoming angry because I thought she didn't want to tell me. But after 30 minutes I got a message probably longer than this post. She told me, that when she was young, like 6 years old, her grandma was her best friend. She was always there for her, she talked about everything to her and they did a lot of stuff together. She said she was always with her grandma and her grandma did everything she could to make her childhood perfect. They did everything a little girl would want to do. She was her role model. But someday her grandma got breastcancer and everyone out of her family knew she'd die, except for my girlfriend. She didn't know about that and kept treating her the same as before. Her grandma became weakened and was hospitalized. But my girlfriend kept visiting her as much as she could, because she didn't want to leave her alone. But nine years ago from now she died while my girlfriend was resting in her arms. The day before she was still alright, they played and laughed like they used to. But in the evening before her grandma sat herself next to my girlfriend and said: 'Darling, I need to tell you something really important and I have to give you something... Darling, I wanted to thank you for the last few years, you remembered me of myself when I was as young as you. We had so much fun and now I have to explain you something. Here you have two necklaces, the golden one is for you.. And the black one..., now you need to listen carefully! I want you to give that necklace to your future boyfriend. But it shouldn't be just anyone, he should be just like your grandpa. He should be tall, nice and fun. He should watch over you no matter what. He needs to be able to set limits and he has to love you as you are! It should be the guy, you'd like to spend your whole life with. The one you think you could have children with and you should want to marry him someday. So here are the two necklaces. And always remember, that I love you!' They laid next to each other and fell asleep. The next morning her grandma didn't wake up again. She was dead... But my girlfriend kept the necklaces over the years without her family knowing about them. She used to hide them in her teddy bear. She started wearing hers the day we started dating and her mom thinks she barely bought it. She said to me, she now wears it, because she's sure that her grandma wanted to describe me... As I read her message I started to cry. I couldn't help myself. I realised I just read the most emotional thing ever and it really happened to me. I had no words left to say... Now I can just say I love you, forever and always! <3

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